Фотаздымкі Nice Observatory

Attempt at viewing Venus transit па ninastoessinger

The sun never really became visible behind the clouds, never mind Venus. Still it was a nice and peaceful early morning at the little old local observatory. Good conversations and learning a thing or two about astronomy – along with at least the potential of being there «live» – seemed to beat sitting in front of computer, even if I'm sad I didn't get to actually see the event.
Nice Observatory (Français: Observatoire de Nice) з'яўляецца турыстычнай славутасцю, адзін з Астранамічныя абсерваторыі ў Nice , Францыя . Ён размешчаны: 5.7 км з La Trinité-Victor, 458 км з Турын, 740 км з Milan. Чытаць далей
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