Фотаздымкі Clock Tower, St Albans

Clock Tower, St Albans па Peter O'Connor aka anemoneprojectors

Clock Tower, St Albans (<a href="http://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-163311-clock-tower-hertfordshire" rel="nofollow">Grade I</a>). On 3 November 2013, a friend who is training to become a Green Badged tour guide of St Albans offered a guided tour of St Albans to Hertfordshire GOC as part of his training. The tour covered the market area, Romeland and the perimeter of the abbey. I also went inside the abbey after the tour. I don't remember most of the details we were given of the history. Also, I'm only uploading my best photos rather than the entire tour. Please check out the other photos from the walk <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/anemoneprojectors/sets/72157637729178863/">here</a>, or to see my collections, go here: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/anemoneprojectors/collections/">www.flickr.com/photos/anemoneprojectors/collections/</a>. For more information on the Gay Outdoor Club, see <a href="http://www.goc.org.uk" rel="nofollow">www.goc.org.uk</a>.
Clock Tower, St Albans з'яўляецца турыстычнай славутасцю, адзін з Вежы гадзіннікавыя ў St Albans , Вялікая Брытанія . Ён размешчаны: 93 км з Лондан, 402 км з Birmingham, 770 км з Liverpool. Чытаць далей
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