Фотаздымкі Гара Броўд-Пік

BISHOP'S HEADDRESS-Mitre Peak. Concordia, Pakistan па Aamir Choudhry

Mitre Peak is a majestic peak, but it's dwarfed by the neighbors when it comes to elevation. 6010 m doesn't go far in the area and there are over 60 peaks close by which are higher. Some of the more famous are: K2 (8611m), Gasherbrum I (8068m), Broad Peak (8047m), Gasherbrum II (8035m) and the little lower, very impressive Gasherbrum IV (7925m). Mitre is named in the book "the world's greatest peaks" by R. Messner (Sigloch edition, 1989). There he writes about it: "This mountain is famous only for its shape - which, from two points of view, really does resemble that of a bishop's headdress - because, as it is surrounded by much higher peaks, it does not appear to be very high, and cannot be seen from a distance. Viewed from the Concordia Glacier, it makes an unapproachable impression, and its friable rock and snow gullies look uninviting. But it is nevertheless beautiful. The question of who brought off the first ascent is controversial, as there have been repeated attempts on the summits without permission, and so the records are unreliable."
Броўд-Пік (раней ўжывалася назва К3, мясцовая назва — Файчан кангры) — гара на мяжы Пакістана і Кітая, дванаццатая па вышыні вяршыня ў свеце. Знаходзіцца на хрыбце Балтара Музтаг непадалёк ад вяршыні К2 у горным масіве Каракарум. Назва гары (анг. Bro... Чытаць далей
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