Фотаздымкі Fountain of Armés

Kapoor Versailles - Sky Mirror & Bassin de Latone па corno.fulgur75

Château de Versailles | Place d'Armes Sky Mirror Anish Kapoor 2015 Taking its inspiration from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses', the Latona Fountain illustrates the legend of Latona, protecting her children Apollo and Diana. The central group was sculpted in marble by the Marsy brothers and represents Latona and her children. The statues were originally set on a rock, in 1670.
Fountain of Armés з'яўляецца турыстычнай славутасцю, адзін з Фантаны ў Lameiras , Партугалія . Ён размешчаны: 17 км з São João das Lampas, 18 км з Algueirão, 19 км з Sintra. Чытаць далей
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