Фотаздымкі Гара Афон

Greece - Meteora па Harshil.Shah

The Meteora is a rock formation in central Greece hosting one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, second in importance only to Mount Athos. The six (of an original twenty four) monasteries are built on immense natural pillars and hill-like rounded boulders that dominate the local area. It is located near the town of Kalambaka at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly near the Pineios river and Pindus Mountains.
Гара Афон (Ελληνικά. Όρος Άθως, Ελληνικά. Ἄθως) — назва гары (вышыня 2033 м) і аднайменнага паўвострава ў Македоніі на поўначы Усходняй Грэцыі, таксама вядомага як «Святая Гара» (Ελληνικά. Άγιον Όρος, «А́гіён Арос»). Чытаць далей
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