Фотаздымкі Museum Berggruen

2 - Broehan-Museum Berlin Charlottenburg па TijsB

In the morning I went to Charlottenburg, where I visited three museums opposite the castle. First I visited the Broehan-Museum, a nice quiet museum with private collection of art nouveau and art deco pieces. All the work is collected by businessman Karl Broehan cince the 1960s, most work dating from 1890 to 1939, consisting paintings like Hans Baluschek, porcelain, furnuture, glass and silver. Then I visited the Museum Berggruen with earlier works of Picasso and paintings of Paul Klee and Matisse. I also took a look at the new collection Scharf-Gerstenberg by the Surrealists and their forerunners. It presents the holdings of the "Stiftung Sammlung Dieter Scharf zur Erinnerung an Otto Gerstenberg". The spectrum of artists ranges from Piranesi, Goya and Redon to Dalí, Magritte, Max Ernst and Dubuffet. At the Weihnachtsmarkt it was freezing cold. I was the only customer, aeting none of the big sausages, just some fried potatoes and mushrooms.
Museum Berggruen з'яўляецца турыстычнай славутасцю, адзін з Музеі ў Бэрлін , chinitagwapa . Ён размешчаны: 740 км з Posen, 750 км з Hamburg, 850 км з Прага. Чытаць далей
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