Фотаздымкі Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Thailand)

At Dawn па baddoguy

Morning light and the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Located on the left side of the Chanthaburi River, it took 275 years to complete this beautiful catholic church. It was renovated and rebuilt five times between 1711 to the present. The architecture is in Gothic style decorated by stained glass and murals of Christian Gods. Moreover, there is beautiful statue of Virgin Mary inlaid with gem inside the church and it's worth visiting.
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Thailand) (ไทย: อาสนวิหารพระนางมารีอาปฏิสนธินิรมล) з'яўляецца турыстычнай славутасцю, адзін з Рымска-каталіцкія саборы ў Ban Nong Thang Khwai , Тайланд . Ён размешчаны: 4.6 км з Amphoe Muang Chanthaburi, 600 к... Чытаць далей
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