Фотаздымкі Вал Антаніна

Piercebridge, County Durham па Wessex Archaeology

Roman Piercebridge lies about 200m west of Dere Street (the major Roman road from York to the Antonine Wall) in County Durham. At its heart are the remains of at least three bridges crossing the River Tees. The remains of a civilian settlement (vicus) here date back to the later 1st century AD, and the site became the focus of major military activity from the 180s, although the surviving fort defences date no earlier than the mid 3rd century. Time Team hoped to investigate the bridges, and to trace the remains of a possible early fort at Piercebridge. More information: <a href="http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/blogs/time-team/2011/04/15/time-team-series-17-bridge-over-river-tees-piercebridge-county-durham" rel="nofollow">www.wessexarch.co.uk/blogs/time-team/2011/04/15/time-team...</a>
Вал Антані́на («Сцяна Антаніна»; англ.: Antonine Wall, лац.: Vallum Antonini) — умацаванне з каменя і торфу, пабудаванае Рымскай імперыяй у 142—144 гг. пры імператары Антаніне папярок сучаснай Шатландыі, у 160 км на поўнач ад раней збудаванага Вала А... Чытаць далей
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